4 Weeks - 8 Months
Welcome to Sloths! This classroom is dedicated to our immobile babies who are still reliant on an extra comforting touch.

We know it can be difficult to leave a newborn at daycare, so our teachers are excited to give extra attention to your baby. We love getting to know the youngest faces at Kid's Crossing as their personalities bloom!

Our infants are primarily bottle-fed, and parents are welcome to bring breastmilk or a can of unopened formula. KCDC does offer cereal that can be mixed with bottles as directed by parents. As infants get older, we will begin to transfer them to table food with parental consent and direction. Parents are responsible for providing pureed food, and KCDC will provide whole table foods.

Diapers are changed at least every 2 hours, and more often as needed. Parents are responsible for providing diapers, wipes, diaper cream, and extra clothes. Our diaper changing areas are sanitized after every diaper change, and teachers wash their hands between changing each child.

Infants only sleep in our safe sleeping places. Our cribs have tight-fitting sheets, and no blankets or stuffed animals are permitted in the crib at any time. Parents are welcome to provide sleep sacks or swaddles that secure closed, and can bring pacifiers that do not have an attached string or other device. If infants fall asleep in a spot other than the crib, they will be immediately moved to the crib where they are laid on their back.